After an intensive 4 years of training with Frank Farrelly this month I set up "The Association for Provocative Therapy" or AFPT to promote Provocative Therapy as created by Frank Farrelly.
All AFPT Members agree to adhere to the code of ethics:
Respect each person's right to self-determination in deciding upon therapeutic treatments
Act at all times with integrity, professionalism and impartiality
Represent themselves, their qualifications, experience and membership of professional bodies honestly, and also (to the best of their knowledge) the skills, qualifications and experience of any third party to whom they refer any of their clients.
Only practise Provocative Therapy within the limits of their competency and to update skills and knowledge on an ongoing basis.
Present PT as a professional and effective approach
Respect legitimate needs and requirements for confidentiality at all times
Ensure that clients' expectations, and the basis on which they will be met, are understood by both parties
Act within the law and not encourage, assist, or collude with others engaged in unlawful conduct.
Represent PT as an option rather than 'a certain solution' for any given problem.
Further information can be found at
http://www.associationforprovocativetherapy.com/Also check
http://www.provocativetherapy.info/ for PT articles and downloads