I have noticed as I have got older my tastes have become more expensive. As a collector of guitars, a truly excellent instrument would usually be at least 2k+ and even 2nd hand this could be three times this amount! Many such instruments are hand built and there is a waiting list for delivery, but there is a massive difference in the sound and playability as these are both investments and musician's tools as opposed to "guitar shaped objects"
When I first started creating the Human Alchemy series of CDs eight years ago, I ensured that the recording and the productionwer of the highest standards and that the CDs were pressed in a CD factory, which meant runs of at least 500 at any one time.
In creating the www.nickkemp.com I also made sure that I used the best web designers and professional photos in all instances. Although NLP purports the pursuit of excellence, in many instances this does not translate with many NLP sites and products very poorly designed. Similarly some trainers don't even use a PA when running groups and sometimes venues are chosen for price rather than comfort and to provide a good learning environment! One company that owned a bed and breakfast actually described the venue as "an international training centre!"
Price also does not guarantee quality and just as there are very expensive guitars poorly made, there can be very expensive NLP trainings and products that are poorly presented or poorly produced. To quote the old adage "Let the buyer beware" and in these economic times its worth really checking any purchases out and lookng beyond the sales pitch...
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