Thursday, 30 October 2008

Provocative Therapy in Oct 2008

I just got back from the Marlow Provocative Therapy 2 days and we are just about to set up for the Leeds Provocative Therapy weekend with Frank Farrelly. This is an excellent opportunity to learn from a really excellent communicator up close and I contnue to be surprised by how quickly Frank resolves client issues. Many NLPers don't "get PT" as they find they can't fit it into their existing ideas and this creates a great deal of amusement for PTers, including myself!
After this Nov 1/2nd event Frank will be back in May 2009 to run a 3 day workshop with myself!

Sunday, 26 October 2008

Creativity in NLP and the lack of?

Like musicians, NLP trainers and Hypnosis trainers come in all shapes and sizes. IMO the best ones bring something new in respect of creativity, rather than simply copying what they have seen and heard previously.

Some NLP practitioners take the skills they learn and then develop their own style and approach, whereas others simply parrot what they have seen in their original tranings. I have seen NLP Practitioners, Master Practitioners, Trainers and "Master Trainers" (remembering that this is an honourary title, rather than a representation of a level of skills attainment!) present some really excellent skills and in other instances some truly dreadful work.
The creators of NLP modelled the best therapists they found at that time and then sought to create and develop NLP.
When I set up the idea was to bring together people who have done something different with NLP and mostly the interviews IMO represent this element. However that having said, considering the volume of people who have trained in NLP (one London company alone claims 50,000 since the mid 1990s) there are few IMO really creative trainers and practitioners who have taken the core skills and done something new with it! (just a personal view of course)

My recommendations for great material in respect of products mostly come from a decade ago and personally its a long time since I read a really great book from an NLPer, with the exception of my good friend Andy Austin's Rainbow Machine and Steve Andreas's 6 Blind Elephants. Similarly audio and video material is often lacking in creativity and mostly has terrible production quality while remaining extremely expensive for what you actully receive.

Recently I watched some of the old NLP comprehensive DVD footage and was seriously impressed by Bandler's Perceptual Grids DVD, which most people will probably not be aware of. I have mentioned many times my admiration for Dave Dobson's material (although I would not call him an NLPer, but a really creative individual) which never ceases to surprise. When looking for real creativity I keep returning to guys who have been around a while and most of these including Dobson, Farrelly and others are not what I would call "NLPers".

At the IASH SF conference I was truly impressed by a number of individuals I had previously not heard of and especially Richard Gray who has done amazing work in the field of addictions, which is a tough place to work in! The next interview on NLPmp3 is with Alison Hirons who has been using NLP in teaching with great effect.

Thursday, 23 October 2008

Busy times...

This has been an extremely busy period even by my standards! After having Frank Farrelly to stay as well as running an NLP Prac, I have also been fully occupied with private clients as well as arranging workshops for 2009 in the USA, UK and Europe!

We also launched the revised and sites which are attracting lots of attention.

Today I am declaring an official day of rest for myself!

Monday, 20 October 2008

European adventures...

Today I began some discussions about running some of my Provocative Change Works events in Europe in 2009. Its already going to be a fascinating year with a bunch of new recording projects and collaborations.
Actually its quite flattering to have so many requests to present in different parts of the planet and its great to have the opportunity to travel and run workshops with different audiences and cultures.

Sunday, 19 October 2008

Another NLP Practitioner completed!

I just got back from completing another NLP Practitioner and this was a pretty good group described by Alison one of the key assistants as "a very friendly bunch!" Over the years I have realised more and more the benefit of working with small groups and focussing on practice of skills rather than discussion of NLP!

The delegates came from across the UK and from a wide range of backgrounds. The benefit of seeing so many clients in private practice is that I have been able to really refine and develop NLP skills to a very different level.

Next year I'll be focussing more on running events which focus more on therapeutic applications and in Apri 2009 will be running a weekend with Andrew T Austin in Leeds

Thursday, 16 October 2008

2009 USA Workshop dates

After presenting in San Francisco this year, I am delighted to announce the first 2009 USA dates where I will be presenting my Provocative Change Works approach to client change. I outlined some of these skills at IASH, but there is a lot more that has never been taught in the public domain, until now...


Wednesday, 15 October 2008

NLP products, what's worth checking out?

I recently relaunched as well as to showcase some of the best NLP and Hypnosis products. Considering the numbers of people who have trained in NLP, there are IMO relatively few great products released...
Recommeded books are listed here

Many of thee are from a while ago, but I do recommend Andrew T Austin's The Rainbow Machine as a book that stands out from the crowd - see

Many audio and video products are not that well produced and very expensive relying on purchases from the trainer's fan base. Few produts have crossed over into the mainstream, but the best ones are still well worth checking out

Sunday, 12 October 2008

Invitation only day

Today I am running an invitation only workshop on belief change. I keep these invite only events to small groups of 18 folks or less

Saturday, 11 October 2008

2009 is looking like one hell of a year

Its only October, but 2009 is already looking like one hell of a year with a bunch of new workshops and products that will be announced in forthcoming weeks. Many of these opportunities come from extensive networking over a period of time and most centre around my own Provocative Change Works approach rather than anything NLP related!

Last week I was lucky enough to have Frank Farrelly stay for a week and also have him record some comments on one of my IASH sessions. Both Frank and Steve Andreas have been fantastic in their encouragement of my own work and increasingly I find that the PCW approach is what works best with private clients, for a wide range of conditions.

Friday, 10 October 2008

Two very different pieces of feedback from the Farrelly evening

The Frank Farrelly evening was IMO quite fascinating, especially as Frank worked with a delegate who is terminally ill, with only a few months to live. Here are two pieces of feedback which are very different and I'll let you decide which person was able to notice more about how Frank's approach works in a very multi layered manner. I recorded the session and as ever I am amazed by how people filter experiences in different ways.


I thought I would post just to say what a delight Frank's evening was on the 3rd of October. A lady having late phase treatment for breast cancer,with concerns around sexuality,sexual functioning,and the very content of her remaining life had a session with Frank, and it was an absoloutely excellent teaching event.It was immensely generous of the client to be prepared to have this witnessed by everyone there and I salute her,and send her my heartfelt thanks.
As a doctor myself, I have so often come across people with life threatening illness being effectively ostracised,and shut down when they attempt to express themselves, simply because people do not know what to say or how to say it.This happens particulalry around sexual issues, partly because people often find this awkward to discuss, particulalry when it impacts on anyone with any kind of disability or illness. Contemplating sexual desires in another is often not easy, particularly when the individual has limited life expectancy and health issues which affect what they are able to do.Breast cancer and prostate cancer by their very nature impact on sexuality, partly due to the direct nature of surgery and radiotherapy, partly due to the indirect effects of hormonal manipulation.
Using his Provocative Therapy, Frank discussed life expectancy,sexuality,body image,relationships with significant others,financial matters,all in an open and supportive fashion,covering everything in a mere 25-30 minutes-producing the client's final response-"now I feel I have hope." Frank used humour and a remarkable openess which simultaneously suported yet freed the conversation wherever it went and as an example of how to have an effective and productive interaction in such a situation it was absoloutely superb.
So often such an interaction can be merely a grim and ineffective 25minutes of passing the tissue box whilst the client sobs hopelessly, and the therapist feels terrible and powerless to assist.I was delighted to have been present because I personally learnt a lot, but also because for everyone else present, whether friend,relative,partner,parent,child or therapist,whenever we are faced with "difficult" interactions, we now have simple effective tools to use which are immensely powerful , and make such an interaction meaningful, with magnificent resonance for all involved.
Frank manages to make such interactions look deceptively simple-like a conversation between two old friends-speaking as a doctor with 25 years experience-provocative therapy is simply superb.
Superb stuff indeed.

Dr S Elton


"I'd just like to express my dissapointment in what was a non sequitur of an evening last Friday.

A good friend of mine who coaches in the North West paid for me to come along in expectation that we may learn something about the craft of a master. What in fact took place was completely irrelevant. I simply want to ask "why did you not think of stepping in to at least coax Frank and Sue away from the two hour fusilade of cock stories". Why?"

NLP Practitioner

The interview with Sue was actually the first half of the evening. In the second half Frank talked about the difference between the theory of seeing clients and the reality of some of the tough clients that are often not helped by trditional approaches.

BTW We offered the evening at just 20 pounds to cover costs and give people the opportunity to ask Frank questions. The first observer did ask about the session and spoke to Sue afterwards.

Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Human Alchemy music for short film

I just received a DVD of a movie where I gave permission to use one of my Human Alchemy audio tracks. The short film has reached the final of a competition and you can watch it here

I really like it and hope you do too!

Big news on 2 fronts!

Firstly the new NLPmp3 site is now LIVE! This has been a massive undertaking and special thanks to Beju who built the new version.
Secondly later this week I will be announcing the first USA Provocative workshop!

Detailsto follow soon...

Sunday, 5 October 2008

3 intensive days and some provocative thoughts

I just finished 3 intensive days of training. Not only have we run the first part of the NLP Prac, but also hosted the Frank Farrelly evening in Leeds which provoked some great feedback. As usual some NLPers didn't "get it" but I am well used to that by now and find it hystercial that many folks try to pigeon hole Frank in NLP terms missing all manner of elements contained in the Provocative approach!
Over the next few days I'll be hanging out with Frank talking about his work, catching a few movies and who knows we may even video some of our discussions!

Thursday, 2 October 2008

Breakfast with Frank Farrelly

Today I picked up Frank Farrelly from the airport and had breakfast. During this time we chatted about the planning for this Friday's evening event and the planned Nov 2008 and May 2009 workshops. Even at 77 Frank is still as sharp as ever and full of energy!

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

The value of practice, practice, practice...

Many people who attend NLP and Hypnosis trainings do so with the idea that a single course or couple of courses will create enough skills to enable them to pack in the day job! The reality is of course very different and one of the real secrets to becoming a skilled practitioner is to practice, practice and practice some more!

When seeing private clients it becomes clear that the theory learned in NLP and Hypnosis trainings does not always translate into private private. Clients really don't care about whether a practitioner uses NLP, Hypnosis or any other approach, they just want to be sorted!

Seeing clients every week creates an opportunity to refine and explore what works best and of course clients can be very different, even when they suggest having the same "problem" IMO most NLP practitioners don't see many paying clients and so don't develop skills in the same way. This is also true for some NLP trainers who don't get the opportunity to refine skills in this way!

Over the years I have found combining Frank Farrelly's and Erickson's approaches to work really well alongside NLP. My own Provocative Change Works approach draws inspiration from these approaches and more info can be found at