Wednesday, 1 October 2008

The value of practice, practice, practice...

Many people who attend NLP and Hypnosis trainings do so with the idea that a single course or couple of courses will create enough skills to enable them to pack in the day job! The reality is of course very different and one of the real secrets to becoming a skilled practitioner is to practice, practice and practice some more!

When seeing private clients it becomes clear that the theory learned in NLP and Hypnosis trainings does not always translate into private private. Clients really don't care about whether a practitioner uses NLP, Hypnosis or any other approach, they just want to be sorted!

Seeing clients every week creates an opportunity to refine and explore what works best and of course clients can be very different, even when they suggest having the same "problem" IMO most NLP practitioners don't see many paying clients and so don't develop skills in the same way. This is also true for some NLP trainers who don't get the opportunity to refine skills in this way!

Over the years I have found combining Frank Farrelly's and Erickson's approaches to work really well alongside NLP. My own Provocative Change Works approach draws inspiration from these approaches and more info can be found at

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