Tuesday, 30 December 2008

2009, just a step away and time for new plans

As 2008 is fast coming to a close I'm focussing on 2009 which is full of exciting new possibilities, including a host of overseas Provocative Change Works workshops. I currently have no plans to run standard NLP trainings and am instead focussing on presenting my own work which I use to really good effect in private practice.

My background in NLP has been very useful in exploring Frank Farrelly and Milton Erickson's approaches and I realised when I attended the IASH convention, just how far I have moved from the straight ahead NLP approach!

I just added a section on my central site on how to choose a practitioner which I am quite pleased with!

See http://www.nickkemp.com/how-to-choose-an-nlp-practitioner-or-hypnotherapist.php

Sunday, 28 December 2008

Online updates

Most people fail to realise that maintaining websites and blogs is an ongoing activity and can take up a fair amount of time. I run 10 sites and each of them requires a great deal of maintainance, which means a lot of copy writing!
The central site www.nickkemp.com which details all my private work and the sister site www.nickkemptraining.com has my training schedule for the UK, USA and Europe. These have the most updates, but the Provocative Therapy sites including http://www.associationforprovocativetherapy.com also require ongoing updates to keep them current.
The www.nlpmp3.com site has regular updates of products and interviews and attracts a great deal of traffic. This site is a resource for NLP and associated fields and is deliberately non territorial, so people can get a rounded view of different trainer takes. Today I'll be writing another 2000 words for my main site and updating blogs

Saturday, 27 December 2008

Clear out

Today is a clear out day and I am quite frankly amazed by the amount of old NLP material I have accumulated over te years and literally scores of old manuals from events dating back to the 1990s

Perhaps a mass burning will be planned later tonight?


Wednesday, 24 December 2008

NLP Research and Recognition Project

When I was in San Francisco at the IASH conference I heard a lot more about the NLP Research and Recognition project that IMO is a genuine attempt to promote NLP on a professional basis across the globe!

Check the NLP Research and Recognition site out here


Tuesday, 23 December 2008

Obsession and Mindreading

Today I have begun writing an article on obsession and mindreading in the context of group and individual behaviours. I am using examples from my own experience which I have not commented on to date as well as other examples.

Many of these examples come from within the world of NLP, which may come as somewhat of a surprise to new NLPers and certainly to "happy clappers" Its interesting to explore some of the obsessive patterns and the personality worship than occurs in these situations

Monday, 22 December 2008

A great DVD - Stranger then Fiction

I absolutely loved this movie and fully recommend it

Saturday, 20 December 2008

Bye bye 2008, hello to 2009

2008 has been an extremely busy year and I have had the opportunity to spend tme with some truly great trainers, including my good friend Frank Farrelly and Doug O Brien. I have also had regular contact with Andrew T Austin and Steve Andreas, both hugely talented individuals who bring genuine inovation at a time when many standards in NLP have descended into territorial nonsense and quite ludicrous mindreading (I am constantly amused by the nonsense and fabrications in newsgroups online, which are IMO a dreadful advert for NLP!)

One of the great benefits of hosting other trainers and running www.nlpmp3.com is that I get to mix with trainers of all types and views as well as running a busy private practice and numerous corporate trainings. I am also fortunate to have both Anglo American Books and Crownhouse Publishing promoting my products internationally and CDs still sell really well across all Amazon and other online sites.

In 2009 I am running more public events than ever and many are overseas. One of the highlights will be co training with Frank Farrelly as well as running a series of events in the USA and Europe. There will also be new audio and video products released in Europe and the USA as well as new online projects, to be announced early 2009. Thanks to everyone who has bought products online, attended workshops and fedback on many published articles.

Have a Very Cool Yule


Nick Kemp

Thursday, 18 December 2008

Two more client days for 2008

There are just two client days left in 2008 and these are really full on days with barely a break for a cup of tea. This is an extremely busy time of year and already the diary is pretty full for Jan 2009, with client sessions starting on Jan 5th!
When Doug O Brien was over recently he was surprised by how many people I see with anxiety issues and that I don't see smokers at all!
The workshops I am running in 2009 will for the first time unveil some of the approaches I use in private practice, but have not yet taught. Many of these are far more advanced than the straight ahead NLP techniques and form key elements of the Provocative Change Works tool set.


Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Most Memorable moments in 2008

Here are some memorable events for 2009!

Best workshop experience - Steve Andreas at IASH SF USA

Funniest moment - Frank Farrelly talking about seeing 24 TV series in the PT workshop

Best case of change history - "The amnesia of Paul Fresh Brain M..."

Best book - "Not quite what I was planning"

Best concert - Nick Cave in Manchester

Most exciting new project - Stories from the Outside Inn with Doug O Brien

Sunday, 14 December 2008

Provocative Approaches and misconceptions

When I first encountered Frank Farrelly, I was aware that both Bandler and Grinder the creators of NLP, had studied him, but IMO only got a part of what he does. Similarly many NLPers are also too bound up in techniques to appreciate and understand the different facets of Provocative Therapy, to the extent that some think its just about humour and others think its about simply being rude! Even a longstanding associate of Richard Bandler commented that it was about being rude, totally missing the essence of this approach!

Provocative Therapy requires the therapist to respond only to what they see and hear in front of themselves at that exact moment. Many NLPers struggle with this as they work in a very predictive manner which requires extensive mind reading! There are also no certifications in Provocative Therapy, which means people can't proclaim themselves as Master X or Advanced Therapy Y, or other such quite daft titles, which frequently betray any real skill development...

Since May 2008, I have literally spent hundreds of hours talking to and watching Frank Farrelly in action. Many of these have been in a one to one situation and I am constantly amazed by the multi layered approach he has created and crucially how powerful this is when working with clients. There is more to becoming a Provocative Therapist than simply reading the original book and sitting in a room with scores of other delegates. I set up the Association for Provocative Therapy -
to ensure that there are proper standards of training and that all approved AFPT members have an appropriate level of skills. In 2009 we are running a series of workshops that will begin to teach this approach to a professional standard and in the spirit of PT demonstrated by Frank himself. In May 2009 I will be co training with Frank in the UK in the first of a series of events, before running my own Provocative Change Works events in the USA and Europe.

Thursday, 11 December 2008

Working in the corporate sector

Prior to discovering NLP, I spent many years working in the corporate sector in sales and marketing. These days I still run a variety of trainings for business, including copy writing, sales techniques and developing language skills.

Many clients book me on a retainer basis and 2009 is already looking like a record year for new client enquiries. My personal experience is that there are few really good NLP business trainings (just as there are few good NLP education trainings) and that the best trainings for these sectors are bespoke trainings created to order.

Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Another cool new project for 2009

In 2009 I will be rolling out a new project I am working on with Doug O Brien called "Tales from the Outside Inn"

There will also be a workshop in the UK in Nov and we already have people booking

See http://www.shopcreator.com/mall/productpage.cfm/?store=HumanAlchemy2&productid=SFTOI

Monday, 8 December 2008

Wow, what a great training!

We just completed the Sleight of Mouth weekend with Doug O Brien and he did a really good job, making the material very easy to integrate and giving some excellent food for thought! Doug has a very relaxed style of training, but has great awareness of language at a time when in NLP trainings this aspect is often not well taught...

Thursday, 4 December 2008


Today all initial plans have been "snowed off" until further notice! Hopefully by this afternoon weather will improve so I can collect Doug O Brien in preparation for the SOM weekend!

I really like the changes of seasons in the UK although many complain about its being "too hot" or "too cold" This morning will be a good opportunity to get into the studio and do some recording for a new project that is due to launch in 2009

Wednesday, 3 December 2008

The Best and Worst in 2008

2008 is fast coming to a close and for a number of reasons has been pretty memorable.
It was great to add Steve Andreas to a circle of people I have great NLP discussions with, to attend the IASH conference and to meet a bunch of folks that are focussed on using NLP and other skills to help others. Co presenting with Frank Farrelly in the UK and being in his company was another highlight, alongside building the new NLPmp3 site as well as developing a series of new projects that will be released in 2009, alongside a host of new workshops in the USA, Europe and UK.

Some of the nuttiest momements include some online interactions where *amnesia took hold* alongside a host of other behaviours, including a supposed coach who wanted to charge 10,000 a quarter for clients, admitting that he had NO EXPERIENCE of one to one coaching! Little wonder some of the public are wary about NLPers! Worse still now some NLPers actually believe that after a weeks "advanced training" they are experienced clinicians or "therapists"

On a brighter and more productive note, the longstanding education project is currently being beta tested and I already have a great new DVD being edited which has myself and Frank Farrelly discussing therapeutic expectations with clients. This will appear in early 2009, prior to the first UK event.

Monday, 1 December 2008

After event downtime

I just finished 4 days of NLP training in the UK and today is some most welcome downtime! Over the years I have realised the value of ensuring that there are sufficient "spaces on the page" to maintain some level of well being.
Next year I will be focussing on running more advanced skills based niche trainings in the UK, Europe and USA, rather than standard NLP certificated Prac and Master Prac trainings. This week Doug O Brien arrives from the USA and we are planning to do some more recording during his visit