I too have had a share of crazies and online stalkers over the years and even had one incensed individual posting 200+ posts each month about how outraged they were by various posts I had made online criticising some of the stupidity that passes for advice. The idea that NLP or any other changework approach is a fix all for all of life's problems is of course quite ridiculous. A few years ago I was chatting to a colleague who asked "Have you had your first stalker yet? I was somewhat surprised by the question, but now realise that there are many sad and lonely individuals that are hell bent on fixating onto people in the public domain to the point of obsession.
Many celebrities encounter this kind of problem and some even hire protection for some of the crazier individuals. A number of years ago I even had someone issue death threats stating "I'm coming rund to kills you!" I politely requested - "Please make it between 3pm and 4pm as I'll be in meetings before and after these times...
Needless to say he failed to appear at the requested time!
You'd do better to find out why they're stalking you, I should have thought. Dismissing them as crazies hardly befits a person in your position - or had you not entertained the possibility that they might be right, in some sense?
I shan't be coming round to kill you, although I did wonder if you knew of anybody in your line of work who had received anonymous death threats? Andy Harrington mentioned in passing somebody who was looking at NLP as a tool for dealing with the more severe forms of mental illness, and was threatened, but I can't remember the detail, now.
There are a number of reasons for stalking, including professional jealousy and people who just want attention. As a therapist I don't use the phrase "crazies" lightly, these are severe cases! As a communications trainer I constantly "entertain possibilities" and evaluate on the basis of information, rather than imagination! I'm not especially interested in "being right" (whatever that means) but rather how to make best use of time to help others achieve a better state of well being. Yes I have received death threats and known others who have experienced this as well.
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