Monday, 28 July 2008

People who inspire

There are many people who have inspired me over the years. Some have worked in the fields of personal change, others have been writers, musicians and worked in other fields.

Here is an arbitury list in no particular order of people who come to mind

Dave Dobson - a brilliant hypnotist
Frank Farrelly - a great friend and brilliant therapist
Richard Bandler - co creator of NLP
Jimi Hendrix - a genius guitar player
Nick Cave - terrific songwriter and performer
Tom Waits - maverick entertainer and genius
Frank Zappa - suberb musician
Joni Mitchell - ground breaking songwriter
Martin Simpson - the master of altered guitar tunings
Michael Franti - the missing link between Marvin Gaye & Bob Marley
Neil Young - listened to him for over 35 years and still loving it

This is my list for today, tomorrow it may differ!

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