Successfully presenting and hosting public events requires spinning a lot of plates. Often people will attend an event and think that this is a sure way to become wealthy without realising all the many elements involved in making this happen! There are many considerations before you even get to the actual day of the event. Such elements include finding a suitable venue, creating a big enough delivery system to attract sufficient numbers of people as well as ensuring that sound and lighting are to a high standard.
In recent times many people have obtained NLP Trainer certficates and considered themselves to be trainers with the intention of setting up trainings so they can pack in the day job. Often they don't realise that just as the map is not the territory, a certificate does not a trainer make...This is one of the reasons why so many events are ultimately cancelled and/or end up with so few attendees. I have even heard of events with one delegate to two trainers!
The reality is that as with all good business, quality of presentation and great marketing will be key factors in creating longevity. Through http://www.nickkemptraining.com/ I recently hosted Andrew T Austin's IEMT event which was a great success. Through http://www.tranceformingnlp.com/ I have been involved in presenting NLP Practitioner and NLP Master Practitioner events as well as hosting some of the best minds in communication including Frank Farrelly, John LaValle and Doug O Brien.
Nest year through The Association for Provocative Therapy I will be promoting Frank Farrelly's work in a unique 3 day event in May. See www.associationforprovocativetherapy.com for forthcoming details
As with most things in life, experience makes it easier, but planning public events is like planning a military campaign, there is a massive amount of behind the scenes work. Many newsletter subscribers to http://www.nlpmp3.com/ and http://www.provocativetherapy.info/ receive advance notice and special early bird options on events. Finally for me the best thing about promoting events is that I get to spend time with the best minds in communication and that is priceless!
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