Next weekend I am running a day on the use of NLP in buiness. I have noticed that in the last 5 years many people taking NLP courses can have wholly unrealistic beliefs (often encouraged by the trainers) that they can attend an NLP training to then subsequently pack in the day job to become "an NLPer!"
The reality is that few people who train in NLP earn a good living from it and a lot of the time is that they have not developed "good business sense". Last year I met someone who had quit the corporate sector to attend endless NLP courses which a view to becomng a life coach and within 5 minutes it was clear to me that this person was seriously deluded and had not paid attantion to basic business considerations. Worse still they had dreadful rapport building skills and often came over as quite aggressive in their communications.
In the era of the credit crunch there has never been a more important time to clearly flag up the reasons for customers to come to your business as opposed to your competitors. Here are some basic questions to consider
What do you have to offer customers that is going to get you on their radar?
What makes you stand out from the competition?
How many different ways can people hear about your business?
Many NLPers (and of course others)often forget to ask these and other basic questions!
However the NLP skill set has much to offer business, when properly applied. Any sales or marketing person would benefit greatly from developing a greater awareness of language and state control and my own experience of running trainings for businesses is that this element is often missing...
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