Sunday, 31 August 2008

"Qualifications" in NLP and misrepresentations...

I recently had a discussion with my peer group colleagues talking about certifications in NLP and Hypnosis and how increasingly they are described as "qualifications!" I have always been somewhat outspoken about the whole "certification = qualification" issue which has caused some interesting exchanges...
This kind of behaviour is not uncommon and many NLPers seek to present themselves as "therapists" having only had minimal training with no "fly time" or peer review facilities. I talked at length to Frank Farrelly about this kind of scenario and he was amazed by all the hype. He was also not impressed by people who talked about being Provocative Therapists and using Provocative Therapy after minimal training and exposure to this approach. Its almost like a cub scout collecting badges in order to try to bolster their image!

In many instances NLPers in particular greatly exagerate their own experience and "qualifications" (eh, sorry make that certifications) the result being all manner of titles which sound like academic qualifications which of course is not the case, as many are purely for attendance of an event. I have mentioned this previously in blogs and lamented how an approach which claims to have a linguistic ingredient, fails so spectacularly to pay attention to the mass of generalisation and claims made in this way. Of course NLP certifications are only recognised by the institute that issues them. They are however recognised by insurance companies and of course every practitioner and therapist should have appropriate insurance when seeing paying clients.

There are of course some excellent NLPers, Hypnotherapists and Provocative Therapists out there and I have been fortunate to learn from many of them. Some practitioners have IMO proved to be more skilled than those folks with Master Prac, trainer or even Master Trainer certificates! A great deal of how well a practitioner is able to produce great results is down to their manner and sensory acuity and not how many classrooms they sat in!

2008 is a busy year with a great deal of travelling and presenting in Europe and the USA, with a number of products and new sites in the pipeline. I'm conducting interviews with many specialists at the IASH SF conference who may not have grand titles,but crucially do have years of proven experience that has given them invaluable insights in how to best work with clients. Some of these interviews will appear on in due course

Thursday, 28 August 2008

Addictions and the "hard edge" of working with clients

Clients seem to come in waves and the latest wage is a regular flow of clients with addictions and especially drug addicts! I am also begining to start a project with the Leeds Drugs Unit which I'm looking forward to as this will be groups rather than individual clients. I have arranged to meet Richard Gray at IASH as he created the Brooklyn Project that deals with this kind of problem. With addictions there is off course the literal drug addiction and the behavioural addiction and by changing the latter, the former can also be impacted.

This kind of work is a long way IMO from the standard NLP training exercises taught in workshops and is more the hard edge of working with clients. I have often pointed out how I find a lot of NLP online discussions quite embarassing and especially when some NLPers begin to call themselves therapists! Most wouldn't last 5 minutes with real clients and all the theory in the world just won't cut it!
Interestingly enough the best tools with addictive behaviours are proving to be a combination of Provocative Therapy and Hypnosis, rather than classic NLP. However the awareness of language is very useful in eliciting the client's strategy for creating "the problem" My intention is to add the Richard Gray interview to for the more serious NLP students to download.

Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Moving pictures

I just finished adding 23 video clips to my main websites! On I now have 20 clips of me talking to camera about different conditions I treat. On and both have video introductions to the sites.

I am sure that moving pictures is the future of websites and I am constantly amazed at how many NLP sites never get upgraded and have either no pictures or really dreadful pictures on them!

Creating and updating great websites takes time, money and energy, but IMO its worthwhile. Using professional photos and real graphics experts help make a real impact on the net.

Monday, 25 August 2008

Handouts, handouts, handouts!

Today is spend printing all the handouts for the USA presentations at The Institute of Advanced Studies of Health or IASH conference. Its always difficult to determine the number of attendees for each of the two events I am hosting, so we'll start with 50 handouts for each topic and go from there!

The first day is on Provocative Therapy and NLP and will centre around two of the key exercises used to develop PT skills. I intend to first do a demo of the exercise and then we'll form into groups of 3 to run each exercise, before feeding back. There's a fair bit to fit in the time, so today's challenge is to strip everything down into core principals.

he second presentation is on my own Provocative Change Works approach which is quite different to "classic Provocative Therapy" in that I use elements of hypnosis with client interactions. I will be showing how to use the voice temp exercise among other approaches which have worked so well in private practice. I havin recent times also uploaded some 1 - 2 min video clips to talking about my approach to client work.

I'm looking forward to meeting many of the other presenters at the conference and plan to conduct a series of interviews for to be uploaded on my return to the UK!

Friday, 22 August 2008

Advice please, as long as it fits with my preconceived ideas!

In recent times a newly qualified lamented their perceived lack of ability to "work with NLP" and that they were in a country that apparantly had no interest in NLP. I mentioned to them that in over a decade in my experience few people earn a reasonable living from NLP and that just a single week long course does NOT equip any person to be able to work with paying clients! This same individual had endlessley posted questions that all started with "What should I do with x or y client"

My response was that the key to improving NLP or any other skills is ongoing training, practice and some form of peer review. Reading books and listening to CDs have some value, but to quote an old Clint Eastwood movie "A man's gotta know his limitations" in this instance for the saftey of the client in question.

Some people "fish" for the answers that fit their own preconceptions and don't get that there really is no substitute for experience. I have written exensively about my concerns that NLP is being presented more and more in the public domain as "entertainment" rather than as a set of skills. I don't think the Derren Brown style sensationalism helps and even though Derren slams a lot of NLP (in some cases I agree with him) his own hyped TV programmes could be viewed by many as irresponsible...
The whole thread started by the individual who "fished for an answer" to his "lack of ability to work in NLP" has mysteriously disappeared, possibly raising a subject that could have been considered by some as too controversial for discussion? With proper discussion and freedom of debate and open minds people learn in the best possible ways. I have found after years of study I am still learning and that there is always more to learn from those with unique experience!

Nick Kemp

Sunday, 17 August 2008

Multi media additions to sites and new projects

We just added the welcome video to as well as the first of 22 video clips talking about different client conditions. From an NLP perspective of course it makes great sense to add moving pictures and sound to a site to create a more memorable experience for viewers and now listeners!

This kind of upgrade is very time consuming and as with all web work my stance is to employ the very best talents. Today I will be meeting with some of my creative guys to begin workon a new online project, due for launch in October. This is a non NLP project, but IMO fills a gap in the market. Key considerations as with all online presences is to use great photos, graphics and to ensure that the site looks cool. Of course anyone can point and click a camera, but to take a really excellent picture is another matter entirely!

Most of yesterday was spent writing new copy and today will be no different.In NLP trainings I teach the importance of "state" and when writing great copy getting into a great state is invaluable. I wrote the first 5000 words for the site yesterday and today will be reviewing the text before handing it over to one of the web guys.

Ok, better get back to it as its already 8am, so the working day proper has started!

Friday, 15 August 2008

More on creating impact

Online Impact
We are in the middle of adding a host of new videos to talking about different client conditions. This took a day's filming and about the same time editing. From an NLP perspective it makes perfect sense to add "moving pictures" (in focus!) to he site. I have deliberately kept each clip under 2 minutes with just me talking to camera.

False economy of creating poor websites
Some peope believe that by "having a go" at doing their own sites, they are saving money. This is IMO a serious false economy as you never get a second chance to create a first impression! There are some truly dreadful sites on the net and NLPers should in my opinion know better than to cobble together a site that looks like its from the internet circa 1998. Common mistakes are to use out of focus photos and amazingly many NLPers still us black and white photos for their own pictures. Another mistake is to create an almost impossible navigation system where you can't find contact details and get back to the page you just left. A pet hate of mine is when people advertise courses but just have "e-mail for interest" and don't list prices and dates. In otherwords they are blatantly infirmation gathering and in some cases never actually run any courses!

Impact with NLP Workshop environments
Years ago I was amazed by a company that described its workshop location as "an international centre for training" which as a description was 'a bit of a stretch" The venue was in fact the traner's own bed and breakfast loction and non NLP hapless guests would be encouraged to eat breakfast especially quickly on workshop days so the NLP trainers could begin running the workshop in the now breakfast come transformed to training room!
Downgrading venues to theoretically save money is again IMO sending out the wrong signals. Many cheap venues are cheap for a very good reason and often hard to get to and without good local amenities. A well known London company moved all its events from a great hotel to a travel lodge style venue with dreadful acoustics and in a remote part of London, purely I suspect to "save money"

People remember te best and the worst in what they see, hear, feel, touch and taste. This is true in all advertising and marketing and all of us are advertisers and marketers in some form or other. The smartest companies and individuals know how to invest in presenting themselves in the best possible light.

Wednesday, 13 August 2008

Time, energy, NLP sites and creating impact

This is a very busy month with a full schedule with coaching clients as well as prepartations or the IASH conference, video and audio recording as well as corporate work! 2008 is one of the busiest years in recent times for projects. Time management has become more crucial than ever, especially as there are numerous article and product deadlines to be met! I spend most of the Easter period editing 90,000 words for the forthcoming education project.

Focussing on what's useful
In my own Art of Good Fortune events I have always promoted the idea of focussing on what is useful and that everything is "a trade" in terms of energy. The most successful people I have encountered know how not just how to manage time, but to create time to best effect. With corporate clients the question "What's the first thing that needs to happen?" often creates a new sense of direction and clarity, when previously thinking has been extremely muddled. Often an MD or CEO will be literally bursting with ideas but these are not sequenced in a manner that will produce the best results. This is especially true wuth company online branding and online marketing where there is no clearly defined message. Amazingly many NLP sites don't make good use of the visual medium and hysterically one site which was being promoted with a very expensive ad words campaign, had 70% of the site under construction!

The Internet or Internut?
The internet has transformed the manner in which business takes place as communications can take place instantly in a brand new way. As with all technology there are major benefits as well as downsides. Most workshop bookings are online and has a opted in mailing list of literally thousands of people from across the planet. A few years ago I wrote an article titled "Into the Internut" which was based on observations of some of the craziness online which I have spoken about in previous articles. Some of the research for this involved me provoking a few people online by challenging preconceived ideas and years on some folks are still stamping their feet with outrage, which I find very funny!
Unfortunately there are also some really unpleasant and dysfunctional people who frequent newsgroups and an NLP friend of mine was actually stalked online on one newsgroup by an individual with a bi polar condition and when this individual started sending hundreds of messages and harassing him at work, he totally withdrew from Usenet posting.

Creating impact and branding
Oscar Wilde once said:
"There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about."
This is especially true in business and in the era of global communication new mediums such as youtube have transformed business opportunities. In recent times a truly excellent movie "Cloverfield" used this medium in a new way to attract media and public attention.
Gather skilled people together
I have always used professional photographs and the best web designers to create the best branding. I am especially pleased with which has a mass of information for private clients as well as some unique interview transcripts with Richard Bandler co creator of NLP. We are in the process of adding an additional 23 video clips to the site, 20 being on client conditions!

Tuesday, 12 August 2008

New video clips online from Nick Kemp

We just started adding 23 new video clips to talking about working with specific conditions in private practice. Here's the first one talking about my approach with clients

Sunday, 10 August 2008

Learning Provocative Therapy, stepping out of my "NLP head!"

Parking the "NLP head"
One of the biggest challenges I had when learning Provocative Therapy, was "parking my NLP head" After years of training with Richard Bandler, this was not an easy task! Here's the story to date about my interactions with Frank the creator of Provocative Therapy.

Nick Kemp & Frank Farrelly - a brief history
I first met Frank Farrelly in May 2004 when I attended a Provocative Therapy four day workshop in the UK. This workshop was the inspiration for the original article I wrote on the Human Alchemy website which detailed this extraordinary approach. As an established NLP trainer I was amazed at the sophistication and speed of this approach that was very unlike anything I had encountered to date!

I subsequently approached Frank with two main requests - The first was to create a series of Provocative Therapy products (to my horror there were no commercial products available anywhere in the world at this point) and secondly to begin hosting him in the UK, so more people could learn about his work.
In May 2005 Frank flew to stay with me for a 10 day period and to record his second book "Me and God" which prior to this time was only available in German (now out of print) I wrote about this fascinating project and the original article can be found on as well as recently being published in the Model Magazine. "Me and God" was subsequently released as a five CD set with Frank narrating the story. This audio set provides an excellent insight into Frank's upbringing and the influences that later led him to produce this powerful therapeutic approach.

Frank comes to Leeds hosted by Tranceforming NLP
Later in 2005 my NLP training company Tranceforming NLP hosted Frank for the first time in the UK and once again I was lucky enough to have him stay with me for a further 10 day period. It was during this period that I also updated Frank’s original Provocative Therapy website with assistance from technical guru Mark Zaretti. However we both realised that there was a real need for a more substantive Provocative Therapy online presence and created as a central resource for Provocative Therapy articles, products, news and events. This remains the most comprehensive Provocative Therapy resource online to date.

The 2005 Provocative Therapy workshop was well received and Frank was delighted that I had produced the very first Provocative Therapy training manual which was a collection of many of the available existing articles as well as some new material I had written from my own observations of using this approach. The audience consisted of a number of well known NLP trainers and practitioners and to my great amusement many of them struggled (as I once did) to put their "NLP heads" to one side and treat what they saw and heard as a wholly different approach.

The 2005 workshop was recorded in audio format as well as being filmed for what was to become the "Provocative Therapy Live in Leeds" 3 DVD, 2 CD set. The 3 DVDs were produced by Paul Wright with a multi viewing option for those watching. These initial PT interviews include the famously outrageous Nancy session which has been much talked about within the Provocative Therapy community. The additional CDs included a selection of some of the chapters from "Me and God" and the original interview I did with Frank in 2005.

In 2006 I began to conduct regular phone calls with Frank which helped to gain an even better insight into Provocative Therapy. I had already decided that Frank would become an annual guest for Tranceforming NLP in the UK and that we would continue to record and release material from these workshops. In a very short time we became very good friends and Frank was genuinely surprised at my work rate, leading him to famously nickname me as "The Can Do Kid"

To me, he's the 'Can-Do Kid'. When he says he can do it, he can. When he says he will do it, he does. Asked when he can do it, he says, "I'll get right on it and call you tomorrow when I’ve finished it." – Yeah, I thought, when pigs fly. Next day, so help me God, he called, saying "OK, I’ve finished it and put it on your website, like you wanted." "Are you shitting me?" I asked suspiciously. He burst out laughing. "No, no, Frank! It's really there, go on line and look. I'll wait." Which he did. And there it was, just like he said he would do it. I thanked him, we chatted for a bit, and I hung up. I went into our living room and told my wife June what had happened, and said, "The more I talk to this guy, the better I like him and the more I trust him. Now I just have to figure out whom to ask to initiate adoption proceedings."

Frank Farrelly, Creator of Provocative Therapy

In March 2006 I was approached to become a regular guest on BBC radio and for the next 26 consecutive weeks I cured a host of different phobias live on the programme, using a combination of Provocative Therapy, NLP and Hypnosis. The addition of Provocative Therapy allowed me to work in a far more accelerated manner and many of these sessions can be found at a href=""> as well as the original and updated 2006 interview I did with Frank. I decided to set up an additional blog style site to detail my observations using this approach on the website. With the rise of the You Tube Frank phenomena, we also uploaded a four part "History of Provocative Therapy" to the site where I ask Frank about the evolution of Provocative Therapy and the resistance he had encountered since 1963 when he first created this therapy.

"There are no certifications in Provocative Therapy!"
During our discussions in early 2006 I talked to Frank about the issue of certifications and how in my opinion the issuing of certificates had become a thorny issue for other change work approaches! Frank was (and always had been) adamant that any certifications should only be for attendance and not for capability. During the 2006 Leeds Provocative Therapy workshop he invited me on stage to discuss this certification issue with hilarious results. During this hour long discussion Frank mentioned that in the past various "Provocative Therapy enthusiasts" worldwide had made various attempts to create Provocative Therapy certifications, which Frank had refused to endorse. This discussion was released on the 6 DVD "A Provocative Approach" DVD set which also included a series of Provocative Therapy interviews covering such issues as social phobia, anger issues, weight loss and business relationships. My own observations have been that Provocative Therapy can be greatly misunderstood and that there are some individuals who purport to use this approach in a manner which is unrecognisable from Frank's original intention and without the requisite skill and awareness of the client.

The 2006 Provocative Therapy UK workshop hosted by Tranceforming NLP was subsequently released in its entirety as a 9 CD set titled "Life is Wet", this being a direct quote from Frank during the event where he commented that people are born and die "wet". Both this CD set and other DVD material are excellent tools for anyone wishing to learn more about the transforming power of this therapy.

Throughout 2006 I began to include a module on Provocative Therapy during the Tranceforming NLP Practitioner and Master Practitioner certificated seminars. On the NLP Practitioner trainings I would demonstrate the power of Provocative Therapy in removing phobias, so that students would begin to observe how both Bandler and Grinder had modelled Frank in the early 1980s.
I showed Frank of these sessions and unexpectedly received a wonderful e-mail from him commenting

"You are totally disarming and beyond formalisation. There is an ease and naturalness about you and you make people relax really quickly. You got the power man!"
Frank Farrelly (June 16th 2006)

Provocative Therapy and removing phobias
I decided to asked Frank if he would provide an introduction for a forthcoming 2 DVD set titled "Provocative Change works for Phobias". Frank not only agreed to film the introduction, but also provided insightful feedback for these two sessions of me working with Matt the needle phobia and Karen the claustrophobic for a release in 2007. These sessions had originally been filmed for archive material from some of my own workshops in the UK.

In recent times Frank suggested that we record our weekly phone calls and I finally figured out a way to do this and get a reasonable enough recording. One of the many great things about talking to Frank is that he is an extraordinary catalyst for developing all manner of insights and realisations. By listening back to our conversations I have increasingly realised that Frank is a one man embodiment of the therapy he created and a perpetual catalyst for provoking change in all of those around him.With Frank's permission I now run Provocative Therapy Trainings and set up this site to provide people with a better insight into this unique revolutionary approach

In Sept I am running 2 presentations at the IASH conference, one on Provocative Therapy and one on Provocative Change Works. I also set up The Association for Provocative Therapy to promote Provocative Therapy worldwide -

Regards Nick Kemp

Saturday, 9 August 2008

NLP and Provocative Therapy in San Francisco Sept 2008

I'm getting ready to travel and then to present at the IASH Conference in the USA. Here is the information for the two presentations

IASH Conference Sept 2008 San Francisco
Provocative Therapy and NLP by Nick Kemp

Length of Presentation: 90 minDate of Presentation: 7th Sept 2008Presentation Times: 9:15-10:45

This presentation consists of demonstrations and discussion relating to Provocative Therapy as created by Frank Farrelly. During the presentation the delegates will experience how to use the PT toolkit when dealing with clients. This will include explanations and examples of using the "blame list" in a PT context and how to produce change in client behaviour in a provocative conversational context.
The session will also explore the "What's wrong with that?" and "Insane solutions" strategies for dealing with client problems in the context of "Provocative Therapy modules" or interviews. I will also be explaining PT from an NLP perspective in respect of pattern interrupts, generating rapport, using metaphors, timeline work and other elements.
I will give examples of how I have used PT when working with a range of client conditions and commenting on what has proved most successful to date. I have had the opportunity to work with Frank Farrelly and Richard Bandler and have interviewed both of them for my site and will also discuss each's take on PT and NLP.

Provocative Change Works™ by Nick Kemp
Length of Presentation: 90 minDate of Presentation: 5th Sept 2008Presentation Times: 11:00-12:30

This presentation consists of demonstrations and discussion of the "Provocative Change Works" approach that I teach in seminars and use in private practice. This approach was inspired by my NLP studies with Richard Bandler, study of hypnosis and my studies with Frank Farrelly, creator of Provocative Therapy.

I will include a series of exercises including the "Internal Voice Tempo Exercise" that was published in Steve Andreas's newsletter and which I have used to great effect with clients who have anxiety issues and phobias.
Many of the Provocative Change Works approaches were shown on my recent "Provocative Change Works for Phobias" DVD set which also had narration by Frank Farrelly himself. As suggested in this context I was primarily working with longstanding phobics, but the same approach works well with many other conditions and especially anger, OCD and jealousy issues. In 2006 I was asked to appear on BBC Radio in the UK to work with different phobics on a weekly basis to then appear live on the air with the clients to feedback the results. In this environment time constraints meant that I had to work very quickly and during this 26 week period I developed many of the exercises and approaches that proved most successful in this arena.
The presentation will be mostly interactive and I intend to explore at least two of the Farrelly exercises which give an excellent insight into the Provocative aspect of my work which when specifically used in conjunction with NLP and hypnosis have consistently produced excellent results with my clients.

Friday, 8 August 2008

Quotes from Richard Bandler co creator of NLP

I collected a bunch of quotes over the years from Richard Bandler, co creator of NLP. The full list appears here

Here are 3 favourites

All we are ever doing is putting things together or taking things apart"

"We take the very best of what people do, synthesise it down, make it learnable and share it with each other - and that is what the real future of what NLP will be and its gonna stay that way!"

"If your world isn't moving a hundred times faster than your client, then you're not going to see the other person's patterns. You won't have the time to observe them or replay their behaviour to detect their patterns."

Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Stalkers of NLP Trainers and jealousy issues

Over the years I have seen many people with jealousy and stalking issues. Both myself and other trainers have also experienced "cyber stalkers" who obsessively e-mail and post on online newsgroups for hours on end, usually in an extremely verbose and not especially entertaining manner.
What's interesting is that the behavioural patterns are similar in both instances where the person filters their view of the world through just one lens and remains wholly fixated on what they imagine is occuring, regardless of any facts or independant verifiable information. In many instances the person's internal dialogue is out of control and resulting in them feeling increasingly anxious.

Don't confuse me with the facts!
A mistake some therapists and practitioners when dealing with jealous clients and stalkers is to go down the route of trying to convince jealous folks and stalkers with counter examples to what they imagine is occuring!

This usually doesn't work and only reinforces the previous pattern. Stalkers often have jealousy issues and very little going on in their own lives which then results in them wholly fixating on other people's behaviours and "injustices" that they imagine have occurred!

As someone once said "Dont confuse me with the facts, my mind is made up!"

In the era of the internet and e-mail communication is far more instant and although there are definate advantages to this there is also a downside where individuals can literally spend hours on social chat sites like Facebook or other NLP equivilents. This can become mentally problematic when people start running their whole lives around these mediums. I actually heard of an IT consultant who didn't leave his bedroom for 6 months in Australia. He had severe jealousy and obsession issues and found it difficult to trust other people

The Cult of personality and NLP anti trainers
I noticed today that a major newspaper ran an article on Paul McKenna which was full of accusations and clearly designed to attract readers in a sensationalistic fashion. NLP trainers and celebrities are often easy targets from usually anonymous posters who can rant on blogs and on online forums.

Some of these online comments are hysterically funny and recent examples include

"You suck.
You're a creep!"

I am compiling many of these examples for a future article as well as for some workshop material. The best insults will make it onto one of my sites nd I have offered $ for examples! I have asked one new fanatic to submit at least 200 words by August 10th and fingers crossed he will be up to the task, we'll see! For more on jealousy check out

Sunday, 3 August 2008

NLP and Hypnosis products - recording and listening

Recording audio and video is a real test of "state control" especially if its for projects that will later be released into the public domain. When I first released "The Adventures of Well Being Now" back in 2001, I spent literally hours making sure that the sound and the performance were as good as they could be. Of course now when I listen back (which I rarely do one something is recorded) I can always hear what could have been improved as technology and my own skills have both improved!

State Control in recording
I learned huge amounts from writing and recording products (these can be purchased online at especially in learning about the structure and delivery of language. The best performance states require a combination of relaxation and concentration and taking care to ensure that the internal dialogue is appropriately sorted!

Great, good and not so good NLP Products...
Back in 2001 I scooped up a many NLP nd Hypnosis products that I could find and was astounded by how many of them were not well recorded. In 2006 I ran a workshop on creating an audio product wich included writing and recording. This was a fascinating insight into this creative process and one of my favourite events. Over the 5 days students began to see extraordinary improvements in their delivery and were also suitably surprised at how technology provides many options in mastering.

During the event I played the students a number of well known CDs which had been released by NLP trainers and we analysed to explore the production and content on each one. Many were amazed that some of the editing was really dreadful and in one instance a CD on the power of language did not display the best tonality from the author...

Video products also vary massively in quality and delivery. In many instances the cameras were not mounted correctly and the whole video lurches from side to side. Another mistake is to take an audio feed from the camera rather than from a mixing desk, which makes for a dreadful listening experience. Poor attention to lighting also ca be a problem and can't help but wonder that if NLP is about modelling then a lot of these basic elements have not been considered!

Fortunately there are some excellent products in the marketplace and here are those that I recommend

Doug O Brien "How Deep The Rabbit Hole?"
Dave Dobson Funshop 2006 CD set
Richard Bandler Magical Structures CDs
Frank Farrelly A Provocative Approach DVD set
Bandler/LaValle Hypnosis in Munich
Provocative Change Works DVD set by Nick Kemp (myself) with Frank Farrelly

Friday, 1 August 2008

NLP variety and the art of learning

In the last decade I have been fortunate enough to have trained with a wide range of trainers, including Richard Bandler, Frank Farrelly, Michael Breen, Doug O Brien, Andrew T Austin, John LaValle among many others.

Trainers who Inspire

Each have inspired a host of different insights and allowed me to develop a range of different skills. As well as attending "formal trainings" some of the best insights have come from conversations outside such events. In particular my regular conversations with Frank Farrelly, Steve Andreas and Andy Austin have really helped me develop skills in private practice. Each of these guys has a very different approach, but they all have solid experience in working with real clients "in the trenches"

NLP and other products that inspire

Many such folks have created excellent products in either written format, DVDs or CDs. Some of the best include Dave Dobson's Fun Shop Series, Andy Austin's The Rainbow Machin book, Frank Farrelly's original Provocative Therapy and subsequent audio and video material, Richard Bandler's Magical Structures CDs among others. When I first started out learning NLP I listened to hours of material and did exactly the same when I began to study Frank Farrelly's work. In an era of the internet and e-mail there is no better time for learning!

In my opinion one of the secrets to learning is to learn from a variety of different sources to then build and integrate your own skills. I also am a longstanding student of learning the guitar and here the same principals apply. I have learned from Blues, Folk and Rock Specialist players and all of these styles have kept me fluid in my playing and not fixed in one specific style, but rather taking elements from all these styles

By training with the very best players and having access to the very best material, learning becomes easier and far more fun!

Real NLP, working "in the trenches"

Since the 1990s I have met some great NLPers. All of these have constantly used their training skills in a variety of different ways and developed their own style of working, rather than merely parroting phrases they heard in a training. In music there are also players who merely copy other players and who never develop any creativity in their own right. I have often made some quite controversial comments about the parroting and I make no apologies for doing so! No approach is the holy grail and universal solution to all problems, but the creators of NLP knew to learn from the best and that philosophy is a great strategy for skill development.

Not everyone has natural creative skills, but in my experience those who seek out a wide range of influences usually produce some excellent outcomes and even surprise themselves in the process!