Monday 25 August 2008

Handouts, handouts, handouts!

Today is spend printing all the handouts for the USA presentations at The Institute of Advanced Studies of Health or IASH conference. Its always difficult to determine the number of attendees for each of the two events I am hosting, so we'll start with 50 handouts for each topic and go from there!

The first day is on Provocative Therapy and NLP and will centre around two of the key exercises used to develop PT skills. I intend to first do a demo of the exercise and then we'll form into groups of 3 to run each exercise, before feeding back. There's a fair bit to fit in the time, so today's challenge is to strip everything down into core principals.

he second presentation is on my own Provocative Change Works approach which is quite different to "classic Provocative Therapy" in that I use elements of hypnosis with client interactions. I will be showing how to use the voice temp exercise among other approaches which have worked so well in private practice. I havin recent times also uploaded some 1 - 2 min video clips to talking about my approach to client work.

I'm looking forward to meeting many of the other presenters at the conference and plan to conduct a series of interviews for to be uploaded on my return to the UK!

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