Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Stalkers of NLP Trainers and jealousy issues

Over the years I have seen many people with jealousy and stalking issues. Both myself and other trainers have also experienced "cyber stalkers" who obsessively e-mail and post on online newsgroups for hours on end, usually in an extremely verbose and not especially entertaining manner.
What's interesting is that the behavioural patterns are similar in both instances where the person filters their view of the world through just one lens and remains wholly fixated on what they imagine is occuring, regardless of any facts or independant verifiable information. In many instances the person's internal dialogue is out of control and resulting in them feeling increasingly anxious.

Don't confuse me with the facts!
A mistake some therapists and practitioners when dealing with jealous clients and stalkers is to go down the route of trying to convince jealous folks and stalkers with counter examples to what they imagine is occuring!

This usually doesn't work and only reinforces the previous pattern. Stalkers often have jealousy issues and very little going on in their own lives which then results in them wholly fixating on other people's behaviours and "injustices" that they imagine have occurred!

As someone once said "Dont confuse me with the facts, my mind is made up!"

In the era of the internet and e-mail communication is far more instant and although there are definate advantages to this there is also a downside where individuals can literally spend hours on social chat sites like Facebook or other NLP equivilents. This can become mentally problematic when people start running their whole lives around these mediums. I actually heard of an IT consultant who didn't leave his bedroom for 6 months in Australia. He had severe jealousy and obsession issues and found it difficult to trust other people

The Cult of personality and NLP anti trainers
I noticed today that a major newspaper ran an article on Paul McKenna which was full of accusations and clearly designed to attract readers in a sensationalistic fashion. NLP trainers and celebrities are often easy targets from usually anonymous posters who can rant on blogs and on online forums.

Some of these online comments are hysterically funny and recent examples include

"You suck.
You're a creep!"

I am compiling many of these examples for a future article as well as for some workshop material. The best insults will make it onto one of my sites nd I have offered $ for examples! I have asked one new fanatic to submit at least 200 words by August 10th and fingers crossed he will be up to the task, we'll see! For more on jealousy check out


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